Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Week 27 - Dress #3

Week 26: Dress #3

                Material used:  

1.        How well did it work as a garment?

I would give the garment 5 out of 10. I was not very happy with this garment, it was definitely not one of my best, and be one of my worst.

2.       Is it fashion? If so why, if not why not?

I don’t think that this is really fashion because I was thinking along the lines of making a kind of costume or prom dress. I wanted make something really girly because that’s what I felt when I first saw the fabric.

3.       What opening did you use?

I used a invisible zip as my opening.

4.       What were the problems?

I encountered alot of problems with this garment. The fabric was quite hard to work with.
It was the first time i was using netting and the end result was not how i expected. And I think I had got the measurements wrong so the zip didn't fit on the dress properly. So when it came to putting the dress on it, the zip came off the dress :(

5.       What could you do to improve next time?

Next time i would definately used a more sturdy fabric. I will try and get my measurement right. And i will practice more with netting to see and can become better using it. 

6.       What was the fabric?

7.       How much did you use?

I used about jus over a metre


In my head I kind of had a vision on the dress below. But is definately not what I came up with.
I am not happy with the dress I made.

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